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Why Should You Choose a Dental Bridge?

Dental bridges are the best-restoring ways to replace your missing teeth. Dentists use dental bridges to bridge the gap between the teeth caused by teeth loss. They are best for missing teeth as they are lightweight, small, and allow proper chewing.

This dental appliance consists of two or more crowns located at abutments or anchoring teeth on both ends of the space made by the missing tooth.

Sometimes when there are no healthy adjacent teeth available to help abutments, dentists use dental implants as an option. When your Dental Implants in Houston dentist fixes the dental bridge permanently, its abutment crown is cemented on the adjacent teeth or a dental implant.

The dental bridge contains materials, including gold and silver.

Here are five reasons to consider a dental bridge.

  • Missing teeth

You can consider a dental bridge when you have a missing tooth. The dental bridge can fill the space between the teeth and fix false teeth to fill the gap. Fortunately, at a certain age, missing teeth are prominent.

If you have more missing teeth, you will need more dental crowns near me to support the bridge.

  • Your overall health

Your overall fitness also plays an essential role in choosing the right tooth replacement solution. Some medical conditions can make the healing process a little slower, diseases as leukemia or diabetes. But a dental bridge does not require surgery or healing, and it is safe to use dental bridges to restore your teeth.

  • Want a quick solution

Dental bridges are a fast resolution for a replacement since a dental implant fuses permanently to your jawbone and takes upto 4 to 6 months to heal.

If you want quick results, dental bridges are the right choice, and the process takes only a few weeks to be completed.

  • You want a lower initial cost.

Dental bridges are the right option for your missing tooth if you want with lower upfront costs. The dental bridge price is usually less than you’ll see with an implant, and dental insurance covers most of the costs of getting a dental bridge.

It is necessary to know that dental bridges typically last about 10 years.

Types of Dental Bridge:

Four main varieties of dental bridges:

  • Traditional dental bridges

Dentists commonly use traditional dental bridges formed of one dental crown secured to the nearby teeth with an artificial tooth in between, and of course, they are strong. The dental crowns give anchor points, while the artificial tooth “bridges” the gap.

  • Cantilever dental bridges

Maryland bridge dental differ from traditional ones using only a single anchor tooth. Dentists dont use them frequently, and they are usually placed in the front of the mouth. The dentist does not allow them to use the back of the mouth as they put too much pressure on a single tooth. In a few cases, if the dentist places it safely, it can consume time and money both. Visit a dental bridge near me and consult your dentist for choosing dental bridges.

  • Maryland dental bridges

Th difference between the traditional dental bridge and a Maryland bridge is it uses a metal or porcelain framework instead of dental crowns as anchors. It does not need any modification with the adjacent tooth and is simply fixed to the back.

They are more affordable than traditional dental bridges. Their strength depends on the adhesive used to fix them.


Organize an appointment with a dental office Houston TX, to understand tooth replacement options. Your dentist can only suggest to you the best dental bridges to get.

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What Happens If You Don't Get An Implant After Tooth Extraction?

What Happens If You Don't Get An Implant After Tooth Extraction?

If your tooth is missing and you did not place a dental implant in it, teeth that are nearby the missing tooth will shift towards the gap if you do not fill the gap, or you might suffer bone loss and need other procedures like a bone graft or sinus lift to correct the teeth.

Delaying in getting a dental implant can risk other dental problems, pain, and swelling. People mostly avoid this treatment because of fear of the surgery or because the treatment costs are expensive.

Nowadays, new techniques are invented to cure dental issues. Visit the cosmetic dentistry houston tx, for Cure the problems before they cant be treated by the dentist, and not being treated on time worsens the situation and causes severe issues.

What happens when Delaying Tooth Extraction?

Often, when people delay getting tooth extraction, the risk of infection increases and cause other teeth damage too. Tooth extraction delay can lead the infection to reach the tissues and bloodstream. If you visit your dentist on time, the condition can be controlled from spreading.

What are the steps of Dental Implants in Houston?

The steps of getting a complete arch implant or a single dental implant, so you can be familiar with the steps if you go through a Dental Implants Houston:

1– The Consultation with your dentist:

The first thing to get is the best dentist near me who has an experience in dental implants and consults the dentist about your dental problem. After consultation, your doctor will take a CT scan of your mouth, and your doctor will assemble a personalized treatment plan according to your needs based on the CT scan.

2– The Pre-Procedure Exam:

Once you get ready to proceed with your dental implant procedure, you will see your prosthodontist for a prosthodontic exam. This appointment will help you answer all the remaining questions you have in your mind, and your dentist will examine and gather other information to start the procedure. Once your exam finishes, your doctor will schedule the date and time of your procedure.

3 – The Dental Implant Procedure:

Generally, the process takes 1 to 2 hours to place the implant and gives your bright smile back. Your doctor will place the implant that looks like the original natural teeth. You will be given temporary crowns or bridges supported by the implants. Your mouth will heal soon, and you will get used to it with time. For some time, you will experience soreness and pain in your mouth.

Step 4 – The Post-Procedure Checkups:

Not the last, but the second final step is the healing period of your dental implant procedure.

After your doctor places the dental implant, you can go home but return for routine checkups so that the doctor can monitor the recovery process. You need to avoid food that is sticky and hard to eat and some dental care to keep the dental implants healthy.

Step 5 – The Permanent Teeth:

The last final step! When your mouth finishes healing, your new dental implants are fixed to their position. Your dentist can replace your temporary crown or arch with a new permanent prosthesis. Having permanent implants will bring you a beautiful and natural smile, and you can eat your favorite foods you couldn't eat before.

Conclusion :

Placing Dental implants is not always necessary, but putting them on a missing tooth can be a good option. Implants allow you to eat food you love, support artificial teeth (crowns), and keep your mouth healthy. Go to Dental Implant Specialist Near Me and consult to make the correct decision.

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What Are Types Of Teeth Whitening Options?

How Long Will It Take For A Dentist To Treat Gingivitis?

Gingivitis Dental Treatment depends on your symptoms, but it usually will reduce within two weeks after your dental cleanings. If you continue to brush and floss consistently and keep your mouth healthy, Gingivitis is the initial stage of gum disease.

It occurs when plaque, a bacteria, builds up along the gumline. In the initial phase, Gingivitis causes no pain, but if left untreated, it can grow into periodontal disease and cause tooth loss.

It is more reasonable to have a routine checkup to avoid gum disease or tooth infection.

If you are sorrowing from gum disease and want to get rid of Gingivitis, ask your dental clinic in Houston about your treatment options. Your dentist may suggest to you by concerning how deep your disease is.

What Are The Causes of Gingivitis?

The plaque that builds up is the leading cause of gum disease. It is a mixture of bacteria and sugary or starchy foods. The food we eat releases acid, and the combination of broken-down food, acid, and bacteria develop plaque.

The bacteria in plaque produce a byproduct that irritates and inflames gums and causes gum diseases. Gum disease mainly occurs in people who smoke, are pregnant, or have diabetes.

What Complications Can Occur?

Untreated Gingivitis can create many complications and develop into gum disease that further circulates to the underlying tissue and bone, and this can cause a condition that can lead to tooth loss.

If the bacteria reach the bloodstream through the affected gum tissue, it can also affect your heart, lungs, and other organs.

What Is The Gingivitis Treatment?

A dental clinic near me can perform a dental cleaning to treat Gingivitis. A dental cleaning removes the deposited plaque and tartar from the teeth. Your dentist may clean with scaling and root planing, which helps remove the tartar from deep down the gums and smooth the area so the gums can connect again.

After the treatment, the symptoms should fade away within a week, and if not, visit your Emergency Dentist Near Me.

Sometimes gum grafting is required to stop the excessive gum recession. Gum graft recovery time is 1 to 2 weeks. Follow your dentist’s instructions about cleaning your teeth and what to eat.

Regular Dentist Visits

Visiting Houston gum disease treatment can help you detect mild forms of diseases. If you want to secure your mouth to keep it healthy and free of gum disease, visit your doctor twice a year for dental cleanings and checkups.

The dental cleaning helps you subside Gingivitis within two weeks after your dental cleanings.


Brushing and flossing can avoid many dental issues and keep your mouth healthy and disease free by destroying the bacteria which causes these conditions to occur. Mouthwashes are the best way to protect your teeth against decay and help prevent plaque buildup.

In all, if you take good oral care of your mouth and clean your teeth properly can stop the extra money involved in dental treatment.

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Which is better, Invisalign or braces?

What's the Difference between Root Canal Vs. Extraction?

If a person has a huge hole, decayed or damaged tooth, then your dentist gives one of the two options to fix their tooth a root canal treatment or extraction of your tooth. The severity of damaged teeth and extended tooth problems usually determines the best option for the patients. Most time, your dentist considers your opinion regarding your treatment and suggests what is best for you.

Root Canal Vs. Extraction

What is a Root Canal Procedure?

Injuries or chronic infections can perish your tooth's blood vessels, roots, and nerve tissues.

A root canal is one of the best treatments to save your diseased teeth and retains the functionality of your tooth after infections.

A root canal treatment(RCT) is a complex procedure that begins through oral examination and diagnosis. Your dentist takes x-rays of your affected tooth and proceeds with numbing the area around your affected tooth with local anesthesia. Your dentist removes the damaged part of the tooth.

Initially, your dentist makes an opening in your tooth, then thoroughly cleans and disinfects all your root canals. Then the dentist sterilizes, rids the infections, and fills the root canal area with a substance called gutta-percha, which replaces the pulp area in the canal. In the end, your doctor uses permanent filling material as a sealant and a dental crown to help the restoration process as well as increase the durability of your filling.

What Happens in a Tooth Extraction?

Dentists consider tooth extraction the last restoration procedure when there is no way to save the tooth because you get natural teeth of the set once in your life. The dentist performs this treatment under local anesthesia, using instruments like an elevator and forceps to remove the tooth. There are two types of teeth extracted, simple and surgical procedures.

Simple tooth extractions involve numbing, tooth pulling, and dental instruments. Dentists use this procedure on loose teeth or teeth that are already mobile.

Surgical tooth extractions require a minor procedure to remove, and sometimes stitches may be needed when your dentist does not see an impacted wisdom tooth correctly. If there are fractured or half broken teeth, then only your dentist considers a surgical tooth extraction procedure.

Which procedure is More Painful – Root Canal or Tooth Extraction?

Since the dentist performs both procedures under local anesthesia, patients need not worry about unnecessary pain. In some severe and complex cases, infection minimizes local anesthesia's effect, leading to some amount of pain during the procedure. However, if dentists find any such problem, they prefer general anesthesia to perish the impact of pain.


If your teeth are in good condition and the dentist can save them, a root canal treatment is ideal. However, if the tooth is half broken, knocked, or cracked in structural and functional, dentists have only one option, extraction.

If you find any such dental condition, you should immediately contact an authentic and experienced dentist to recommend what is best for you. You should also not compromise your dental practices, such as brushing and flossing your teeth at least twice daily.

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What's the Difference between Root Canal Vs. Extraction?

What Are Types Of Teeth Whitening Options?

Not even one person says they don’t like a white smile. But unfortunately, with your age, there is a gradual loss of your teeth’s shine and brightness.

The enamel is the outermost layer of your teeth that you see, the enamel is the hardest substance of your teeth structure that offers protection, shine, and color to your teeth, but the time goes by, there is a constant decrease of tooth layers because of the food and drink consumption, medicines intake, wine, or smoking. If you find your teeth are affected, you should opt teeth whitening procedure to ensure their color and shine.

Teeth whitening procedure helps in restoring your teeth aesthetically and gives a proper shine. Midtown Dental removes discoloration of the tooth with the help of a cosmetic procedure. Whitening is gaining popularity in all sections, especially among teens and adults. But whitening is only for teeth; it does not whiten your crown or any other device. If you want to whiten your teeth, you might need to replace these devices.

Process of Teeth Whitening

You may wonder how infection or bacteria can perish your teeth because teeths are not solid structures; they have tiny pores. So, when you consume any food item or drink, they absorb in small amounts and settle in your teeth over the years, resulting in teeth staining.

Teeth whitening near me is a relatively safe procedure in the hands of an experienced and trained cosmetic dentist. In this process, your dentist opens the pores that have to absorb stains and cleans them. These pores do not stay open and will close after the procedure is complete. There are various dental whitening treatments that Teeth Bleaching Services will help you know which is best for you.

Types of Teeth Whitening

Custom Fit Tray Bleaching

Custom-fit trays are whitening products in which your nearest dentist fits trays with gel and whitening substance over them, ensuring maximum exposure to your teeth. These trays are convenient and help to whiten teeth in minimal periods.

Whitening Strips

Whitening strips are thin strips of whitening material. They are easily available in dental stores, or you can visit the dentist for teeth bleaching near me. One by one, each strip is placed over and under your teeth. The result of this procedure is very instant, and the dentist recommends this for a moderate stained tooth.

Whitening Toothpaste

Whitening toothpaste works as a whitening agent. Moreover, your regular toothpaste helps keep your mouth healthy and clean and removes some of the stains on your teeth. In contrast, whitening teeth will make your teeth shiner by removing most of the stains on your teeth.

Laser Bleaching

Technological development has led to a new branch of teeth whitening treatment. The laser helps activate the whitening agent that your dentist uses for the treatment. Also, this is an instant process that takes just one dental visit. So it would be best if you visited your dentist for the whitening treatment.

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Do Dental Implants Last Forever?