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Why Are There Brown Spots on My Teeth?

You should take care of your gums and teeth, which help you avoid tooth cavities and bad breath. It also helps prevent gum disease, an essential part of good dental health and hygiene. Also, you should visit midtown dentistry Houston for a routine checkup atleast twice a year.

Brown spots on your teeth can be moderate or subtle, and they range in color from yellow to brown and are irregular in shape or almost uniform. If you have brown spots, you don’t maintain good dental hygiene. They are the signs of concern and upcoming severe diseases or infections.

What causes brown spots on teeth?

Brown spots, as well as dark stains, are caused due to multiple reasons, such as;

  • Nicotine and cigarettes
  • Tobacco is one of the most common causes of teeth staining.
  • Chewing and pipe tobacco
  • cigars
  • Colored foods and beverages

Tooth discoloration, including brown, yellow, and grey, can be caused by eating or drinking, such as:

  • Dark Coffee and tea
  • Red wine
  • Cola and blueberries
  • Pomegranates juice

What happens if you have brown spots on your teeth?

Tooth decay

When the outermost layer of tooth enamel, the hard layer, starts to erode, this may result in tooth decay. Bacteria and food particles constantly fill your teeth. When you eat food containing sugar, bacteria produce acid; moreover, if you don’t brush properly, plaque builds over your teeth and reacts to food acids, resulting in teeth staining and dental cavities.


When you don’t clean your teeth, plaque will turn into tartar. Tartar is yellow to brown in color and hard to remove with daily brushing and flossing. Also, it might appear both above and under the gum line.

What are the primary symptoms of brown spots on my teeth?

  • Brown spots on your teeth are early signs of cavities and tooth decay, so in such conditions, you should consider visiting the nearest dentist. You may feel tooth pain, sensitivity, or bad breath.
  • If your condition becomes severe, it may lead to gingivitis disease. You may feel gums that feel sore and continuous swelling, and you should seek a Houston dentistry.
  • Suppose you have celiac disease, which includes dry mouth, sores, or mouth ulcers. In celiac disease, your tongue may appear red, smooth, and shiny.
  • If you have teeth enamel hypoplasia, your teeth are rough-textured or pitted areas on your teeth.

If you find any such symptoms, you should visit and consider visiting Midtown Dental for proper treatment and diagnosis.

Procedure to whiten your teeth

Teeth whitening at-office results may last 2-3 years; good oral health and hygiene habits may prolong your results. However, if you have poor dental habits, such as smoking, your teeth become brown with more pace. Here are some treatments for teeth whitening:

  • Dental prophylaxis: It involves deep dental cleaning and other preventive treatments
  • Power bleaching
  • Porcelain veneers and lumineers
  • Composite teeth bonding


If you have brown or yellow teeth, you should consider visiting Houston Dentist for various teeth whitening procedures and a proper diagnosis.

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What Is Pulp Necrosis?

Pulp necrosis is a condition in which your teeth pulp dies. Also, this is the last stage of chronic pulpitis, and it may lead to other severe problems, including tooth loss.

The innermost layer of teeth has blood vessels and nerve tissues. The pulp has a complex design of blood vessels and nerves that help your teeth healthy inside. The main part of the pulp is the root canal and the pulp chamber.

When you have a dental infection, the pulp becomes infected or dies. This can lead to severe dental issues if not treated properly. You should seek a dentist midtown to prevent further infection or save your teeth from being extracted.

What are the Symptoms of pulp necrosis?

There are various signs and symptoms of pulp necrosis when your tooth chamber or pulp dies off. This is because once the necrosis happens, the nerves stop sending alert signals of pain and discomfort because the pulp has died.

You may experience tooth sensitivity to cold and hot food or drinks in the early stages. Once pulp necrosis occurs, you can't feel cold or hold sensitivity. However, you might feel pressure in the affected area while eating or grinding your teeth.

You may suffer from necrotic if you have untreated decay, trauma, or large fillings. The necrotic pulp disease is irreversible. You must visit cosmetic dentistry Houston texas, for root canal treatment or tooth extraction.

Tests and diagnosis

Before testing for pulp necrosis, a midtown dentist will examine and diagnose your teeth and gum condition. Because sometimes, this condition isn't known to the patients. Your dentist performs a dental examination with the help of digital scanning and X-rays to know about the whole mouth condition and eliminate other possible situations that may be harboring pulp necrosis.

If dentists find or suspect pulp-related diseases, then they will use an electric pulp tester to know about pulp disease. This tooth delivers small shocks to your teeth; if you feel the shock, then your pulp is alive or otherwise not.

What is the Cause of pulp necrosis?

Pulp necrosis starts due to tooth cavities and decay. And a cavity begins due to plaque or tartar buildup, which leads to holes in your teeth' outermost layer, called teeth enamel. Therefore you should maintain dental health properly and contact the dental clinic Houston if you find any such issue with your teeth. However, if your teeth continue to decay, they expose the pulp to bacteria, resulting in pulp infection.

Complications associated with necrotic pulp

If your pulp gets infected, you need root canal treatment or tooth extraction to prevent further infection. If left untreated, complications may develop. However, the treatment itself lead to complication. With pulp necrosis and its treatment, you may be at risk of:

  • Infection
  • Fever
  • Jaw swelling
  • Pulpitis
  • sinusitis
  • periodontitis diseases
  • bone loss


Therefore, you should maintain good dental practices such as brushing and flossing twice daily and visit cosmetic dentistry Houston for routine checkups at least two times a year.

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What Is The Leading Cause Of Periodontal Disease?

Periodontitis disease is a gum disease, also called periodontal disease. This gum disease begins when you dont treat your gums and notice symptoms of gingivitis, the first stage of gum disease. The growth of bacteria in your mouth increases and hence develop into periodontal disease if not properly treated.

What is periodontal disease?

Periodontal diseases are caused mainly by inflammation and infection caused to the gums and tooth bone that covers and support the teeth.

The beginning stage is called gingivitis. During gingivitis, the gums swell, become red, and sometimes bleed. The bleeding usually occurs in a more complex situation called periodontitis. You may lose the tooth if not treated on time because the gums can pull away from the tooth, and the teeth can get loose and even fall out.

You should treat your teeth before you reach the periodontal stage.

What's the Difference Between Gingivitis and Periodontitis?

Gingivitis is the gum inflammation and swelling which usually occurs before periodontitis gum disease. Treating gingivitis is easier than periodontitis disease as it is dangerous for your health.

When in the early stage, bacteria builds up and makes the gums inflamed; you may feel irritation and swelling in your gums. But not all gingivitis finally leads to periodontal disease. Ignoring symptoms and not treating them can cause other dental issues. You can even prevent or reverse them by brushing your teeth daily, flossing, and retaining regular dental cleanings and checkups.

Periodontitis Symptoms:

The symptoms of Periodontitis disease id not seen until it has evolved to an advanced level where teeth can shift their position, start wobbling, and hurt when you chew or may lose your teeth

Signs and symptoms of periodontitis can include:

  1. Noticing signs of swollen or puffy gums
  2. Change in the color of the gums somewhat like bright red, dusky red, or purplish.
  3. Feels tender when touched
  4. Gums Bleeding gums.
  5. Blood comes out. while brushing or flossing your teeth
  6. Building of pus between the teeth and gums
  7. Pain while chewing food.
  8. Tooth loosening
  9. Receding gums and change in the bite.

Deep cleaning teeth near me can be beneficial for gum diseases and control bacteria build-up.

Diagnosis of Periodontal disease:

At a dental visit, your dentist will firstly:

  1. Examine the condition of your gums and form a report of any signs of inflammation.
  2. The dentist will check the pockets around the teeth with a measuring tool called a probe without any pain.
  3. Your dentist will ask you regarding your medical record to determine any risk factors like diabetes or smoking that may contribute to gum disease.
  4. The dentist will take an x-ray to look for bone loss.

Professional experts perform periodontal disease treatments in treating and diagnosing gum disease. Gum disease treatment in Houston will suggest the best for you.


The main reason periodontal disease happens is bacteria building during the first stage, called gingivitis. These bacteria spread in the bloodstream and can cause serious health issues. Gum disease risk factors are stress, aging, alcohol consumption, depression, and cigarette smoking.

Consult The best dentist near me and take a proper checkup of your mouth.

Article Source :

What Is The Leading Cause Of Periodontal Disease?
How Long Will It Take For a Dentist To Treat Gingivitis?

How Does Teeth Bleaching Work?

Want a bright and white smile? Brushing and flossing keep your teeth bright and white. But if you still didn't get that white color. You can choose the tooth bleaching option to make your smile shinier.

It is a cost-effective and standard procedure of cosmetic dentistry to make your teeth whiter and brighter. It is good to use bleaching rather than using methods like veneers, dental crowns, or other methods for tooth discoloration, but tooth whitening is not permanent.

Teeth whitening or bleaching is an easy and affordable process. Your dentist will use whitening products containing one of two tooth bleaches: hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide for teeth whitening. These two bleaches break down the stains into smaller pieces, making your teeth color white and less concentrated. You can use toothpaste too with hydrogen peroxide that will help you make your teeth whiter at home.

Talk to the nearest dentist about Teeth Bleaching Services and processes before starting it at home or preceding it in dentistry.

What are the Causes of Tooth Staining?

The factors that affect tooth staining include:

  1. Age

Age can be a general reason for staining teeth because as you age, your teeth start aging too and can change color too. As you age, your teeth change their color from white to yellow and then a little browny shade. The teeth absorb stubborn stains, which are not easy to remove.

  1. Eating habits:

Consumption of deeply-colored beverages and foods like red wine, coffee, tea, cola, carrots, oranges, and other drinks can cause notable staining over the years. Moreover, sour or acidic foods such as citrus fruits and vinegar contribute to the erosion of the enamel, and then the surface becomes more transparent.

  1. Smoking and drugs habits:

Smoking can make your teeth leave their color because it leaves brownish deposits, and nicotine leaves brownish residues that slowly soak into the tooth structure and cause tooth discoloration. Consuming more fluoride can cause teeth staining, which is not easy to remove.

How to maintain White Teeth?

Simply, you must avoid some beverages and food to keep your teeth white and prevent some acidic drinks. If you have bleached your teeth at home or teeth whitening Houston, you can maintain the results by flossing and brushing daily and visiting your dentist regularly.

Beverages you should avoid such as black tea and coffee, White and red wine, Sports drinks, Carbonated beverages, Berries and other colored foods, Sauces (soy, tomato, curries), etc.

Why Should You Talk to Your Dentist for teeth whitening?

Take a dentist in houston and Talk to your dentist because bleaching can make your teeth sensitive if you do not use it properly. If you use bleaching agents for a long time, that can increase your tooth sensitivity.

Visit the teeth bleaching near me dentistry before using it to ensure its cost and effects.

If you have yellow teeth, bleaching will be effective on your teeth, but if you have brown teeth, it will be less effective, and having a gray shade in your teeth will not work.


Teeth whitening treatment is effective for people who have no dental issues. Although if you keep your teeth healthy, brushing and flossing daily can keep your teeth white and healthy too, and it is the best and most affordable way to enhance your smile.

Article Source :

How Does Teeth Bleaching work?