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What Are The Important Facts Regarding Dental Bridges?

A dental bridge is a long-lasting device that bridges the gap left by a missing tooth or teeth. It comprises several parts that join together to fit into the space left by your missing tooth or teeth. You can substitute partial dentures with dental bridges. A bridge can improve your ability to speak and chew and the appearance of your teeth. Gold, alloys, or porcelain are a few materials they use to create a dental bridge. Dental bridge near me specialists generally use porcelain to replace front teeth because it resembles your natural tooth color.

What types of dental bridges are there?

According to dental bridges in Houston, there are typically four types of dental bridges:

Traditional fixed bridge

According to an emergency dental clinic near me, a traditional fixed bridge is the most prevalent kind of bridge. On either side of the pontic are crowned.

Implant-supported bridge

With an implant-supported bridge, one implant is surgically inserted into your jawbone to replace each lost tooth. The pontics are housed in the bridge, which is later positioned over them.

Maryland dental bridge

Front teeth are frequently replaced using resin-bonded bridges or Maryland bridge dental. This dental bridge uses metal or porcelain frameworks with "wings" attached to the backs of your teeth on either side of the space in place of crowns.

Cantilever bridge

According to the midtown dental clinic, there are no longer many cantilever bridges in service. When only one real tooth is on one side of the gap, the pontic(s) are secured by a single crown on that natural tooth.

What are the benifits and disadvantages of dental bridges?


  • Creating a natural-looking smile and mouth
  • Regaining regular speech, as speaking when missing teeth, can make words difficult to pronounce
  • Preserving the jaw's bone density where the lost tooth or teeth are by avoiding bone loss there
  • Facilitating better meal chewing
  • Preventing neighboring teeth from erupting into the void, which could also lead to biting issues and other issues


  • Future abutment tooth damage may jeopardize the bridge.
  • When a bridge or crown does not fit properly, bacteria and plaque can enter the structure and lead to tooth decay.
  • Crowns have the potential to alter your teeth's structure and your bite.
  • A bridge may break if the abutment teeth are not sturdy enough to support it.
  • The procedure(s) could weaken abutment teeth and also require dental implants to replace them.

How to care for the dental bridge?

To ensure the bridge's success (depending on the chosen one), it is important to maintain the health and strength of the remaining teeth. Tooth decay and periodontic disease, which can also result in tooth loss, can be avoided with daily brushing, flossing, and antiseptic mouthwash. Your Dentist Open On Saturday or Dentist Midtown demonstrates how to correctly clean and floss your teeth. Maintaining a regular cleaning regimen will assist in identifying issues early on when therapy has a better outlook. You must choose a balanced diet to ensure optimum nutrition.


The above information covers many types of dental bridges. You will discover the benefits and drawbacks of getting a dental bridge. For more information, please visit

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What Are The Main Causes Of Gingivitis
How Do Dentists Extract Wisdom Tooth?
What Are The Main Causes Of Gingivitis
What Are The Main Causes Of Gingivitis

What Are The Main Causes Of Gingivitis?

Poor dental health and hygiene are the most obvious cause of gingivitis. It fosters plaque buildup on teeth, which inflames the tissues around the gums. How plaque can cause gingivitis is as follows:

  • You develop plaque on your teeth. When the starches and sugars in food mix with the bacteria ordinarily present in your mouth, plaque, an invisible, sticky film primarily made of bacteria, forms on your teeth. They must remove plaque every day since it quickly reforms.
  • Tartar is the result of plaque. The remaining plaque on your teeth has the potential to solidify into tartar (calculus), which gathers microorganisms. Tartar irritates the gumline, makes it more challenging to eliminate plaque, and acts as a barrier for germs.
  • If they detect Inflamed gingiva (gingivitis). The gingiva, the area of your gum at the base of your teeth, becomes more irritated and inflamed the longer plaque and tartar are allowed to build up on your teeth. Your gums ultimately swell up and begin to bleed. Dental caries, or tooth erosion, could also happen.

How do they diagnose gingivitis?

Gingivitis is typically identified by periodontitis Houston dentists based on the following:

  • Examine your dental and medical histories, as well as any illnesses that might be causing your symptoms.
  • You should check your mouth, tongue, teeth, and gums for plaque and irritation.
  • Placing a dental probe next to your tooth beneath your gum line, typically at numerous locations around your mouth, to measure the depth of the pocket in the groove between your gums and teeth.
  • Dentists may take dental X-rays to look for bone loss in regions where the emergency walk in dentist near me observes greater pockets.
  • Additional examinations will be necessary. Your dentist could advise getting a medical checkup to rule out any underlying medical concerns if the reason for your gingivitis is unclear. Your dentist could recommend a specialist for Gum Disease Treatment if the stage of your gum disease is advanced.

What does professional gingivitis treatment include?

Professional Gingivitis Treatment includes:

Professional cleaning of the teeth.

Scaling and root planing, a process used to remove plaque, tartar, and bacterial products, will be a part of your initial professional cleaning. It removes tartar and bacteria from tooth surfaces and the gum line during scaling. According to gum disease treatment in Houston, root planning eliminates the bacterial byproducts of inflammation, smoothes the root surfaces to prevent future tartar and bacterial formation, and promotes healthy healing.

Dental restoration

Your gums may get irritated by misaligned teeth or poorly fitted crowns, bridges, or other dental restorations, making it more challenging to eliminate plaque from your teeth daily. Your Houston uptown dentist may advise addressing issues with your teeth or dental restorations if they are causing your gingivitis.

Ongoing treatment

After a thorough professional dental cleaning, gingivitis generally fades away if you maintain proper oral care at home. Your dentist at an emergency dental clinic will work with you to develop a home care regimen that works and a schedule for routine checkups and cleanings.


The above article details the causes and diagnosis of gum diseases and highlights the treatment options for gingivitis. For further helpful information, please visit

Article Source :

What Are The Main Causes Of Gingivitis

What Is The Importance Of Professional Teeth Cleaning?

According to an emergency dentist in Houston texas, no matter how thoroughly you clean and floss your teeth, you still won't be able to get rid of all the tiny food particles lodged in your mouth's deep crevices. When food particles get lodged between your teeth and gums, this is especially true if you have crooked or misaligned teeth.

The collected food particles gradually transform into plaque, a white sticky substance that forms over 10 to 14 hours before becoming tartar. Tartar is impossible to eradicate, no matter how frequently you brush your teeth. It increases bacterial growth due to plaque and tartar production.

Are regular teeth cleaning any different from deep dental cleaning?

"Deep dental cleaning" and "teeth cleaning" are frequently used interchangeably. The two, however, have clear distinctions. Plaque removal and teeth polishing are part of a regular dental examination that includes teeth cleaning in Houston and dental cleanings to avoid dental decay and periodontal disease.

The deep cleaning Houston entails treating gingivitis and periodontitis and removing bacterial colonies from your mouth. As a result, they treat gum disease with a thorough dental cleaning, which includes scaling and root planing.

How often should we visit dentists for a dental cleaning?

According to uptown dentistry Houston, at least once a year, you must go to a dentist who offers deep cleaning services near me for routine teeth cleaning. Your dentist might also advise more frequent dental appointments if you have dental decay or are more likely to develop the dental illness. You should follow your dentist's advice regarding how frequently you should have your teeth cleaned.

Can deep dental cleaning strengthen a loose tooth?

Periodontal scaling and tooth scaling only get rid of plaque and tartar buildup on the surface of your teeth. It does not strengthen your loose tooth, but it helps preserve your teeth from bacterial deterioration. However, your dentist might combine scaling and root planing if you have a loose tooth. The dentist at Houston tx cosmetic dentistry will smooth the roots of your tooth during root planning to reattach it to the gums and reinforce the loose tooth.

Do deep teeth cleaning cause pain?

NO is the apparent response to this. The patient can be made as comfortable as possible before completing the work. However, any discomfort will be mild and end before the deep cleaning treatment. The slight stings that come with pocket measurement are intolerable for some people. A dentist near me open on Saturday would typically apply a topical numbing gel to lessen the pain.

Can a tooth fall out after deep dental cleaning?

Deep cleaning cannot break the tooth's bond with the gum and bone. Sometimes, a significant deposit of hard tartar can splint teeth together. It may disguise the degree of bone loss and create the illusion of stability. The looseness already there may become apparent when we eliminate that buildup. Thus, following a thorough cleaning, the teeth may feel loose. But the deep cleaning itself does not dislodge them.


The above-provided information tells us about the importance of deep dental cleaning and highlights various factors regarding dental cleaning. For more information, please refer to

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What Are The Important Aspects Of Root Canal Treatment?